How I Became Rudolph’s PR Agent at Camana Bay

Camana Bay has been hosting some very special guests the past couple of weeks – all of Santa’s reindeer! On a recent visit, I noticed families looking for Santa’s four-legged friends (who were scattered throughout Camana Bay). The group I was with started looking, too. First we spotted Prancer on a bench. Then we found Donner by the Observation Tower and Blitzen by Karoo. Comet was hanging out by the Post Office. We discovered Dasher reading the Reindeer Gazette, and Dancer, Vixen and Cupid were all there, too.
While we were looking, I spotted a reindeer on “The Island.” As we were crossing the bridge to the small isle, I guessed out loud that it was Rudolph. A little girl in front of us looked back with sparkling excitement- “It is!” -and then ran ahead with pure joy.
Once we stepped foot on the island, we scurried up to check out Rudolph, who, we noticed, was missing his best asset – his red nose! There was a bench next to Rudolph, so we decided to take a load off and took a seat for awhile.
Next thing I know, a kid came up crying.
“Rudolph doesn’t have his nose!” she fearfully exclaimed and started to sniffle.
Without hesitation, I stepped in as Rudolph’s PR agent, explaining, “Don’t worry! Rudolph’s just on vacation.
He’ll get his nose back soon. You see, he only needs it one day a year when he leads the sleigh.”
She quickly accepted my explanation, smiled and then started hugging on Rudolph. She was assured that all was right in the world and a Christmas crisis was averted.
Next, another family came up and was confused. “Which reindeer is this… we thought it was Rudolph?” the mom questioned.
I stepped in again, now a little more comfortable in my new “position.”
“Oh, don’t worry folks. It’s Rudolph, he’s just on vacation. He’s got to take a load off because when he does work, he flies across the entire world in one night. He’ll have his nose back soon. It just needed a little maintenance.”
The family went on to huddle around Rudolph for photos and Rudolph escaped yet another PR disaster. My friends and I laughed that I had officially became Rudolph’s PR Agent as I continued to comfort another passerby.
Truth be told, while we were sitting there, a maintenance team for the Camana Bay decorations came up and inspected Rudolph, noting things that needed to be fixed. They assured us Rudolph would have his red nose soon.
I went back the next day to snap a photo with Rudolph for this post and sure enough, Rudolph had his nose. Rudolph’s a quiet one, but I like to think he was thankful that I swept in and saved his reputation.
He’s still enjoying a much-deserved vacation in the Cayman Islands, but soon enough, he’ll be leading Santa’s sleigh around the world!
Make sure to stop by Camana Bay and visit Rudolph and the other reindeer before their world tour starts!